Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Hey all, so i totally stole this idea from Alison and figured it would be much easier to tell everyone about my trip with a blog. Hopefully I will use it because if its anything like my diaries, I will write in it once and then be over it. Anyways, I hope this will also help me in my old age to remember my trip with more details. Oh, but who knows, by then we may not even have such primitive things.. Anyways I am going to travel in Thailand starting June 18th to July 11th and I am super excited. If anyone has any suggestions of things I need to do over there please let me know; I love input! I will miss you all!! Anyways check up on this to see what I am up to.


oooh so who thinks I will get tan and who thinks I will burn and be as red as a lobster haha...